Free Webinar: Understanding Autism 

16th February 2023

Date & Time: 2nd March 10am -12pm and 16th March 6pm -8pm 

Via Microsoft Teams 

Register here 

Challenging perceptions of autism is one of the main aims of Autism Hampshire in its work to create a better understanding of the condition.

With a growing number of people – 700,000 in the UK – now diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, the need to understand what that means is great. Not least because it has a positive impact on our efforts to provide greater choices and create opportunities that might otherwise not be available to autistic people.

But as well as educating neurotypical people, we recognise a need to do the same for autistic people themselves, as some have very little understanding of autism, or have poor perceptions of themselves.

For this reason, we are running a free webinar session targeted at autistic people and delivered by autistic people. Its aim is to help them understand what being autistic is and what it isn’t.

The session will draw chiefly on the work of autistic authors, activists and academics whose offerings provide a positive and authentic alternative to the information too often found in many publications on the subject.

Delivered over two hours, the webinar will cover the following:

  • What is neurodiversity and how is that related to autism?
  • Defining autism within a neurodiversity context
  • Explaining terminology such as neurotypical.
  • The four characteristics make us autistic - communication, thinking processes, sensory perception, social interaction

So, whether you have been diagnosed for some time or only recently, or are considering getting a diagnosis, or have a loved one who is autistic, this webinar is designed to help you and others understand what your diagnosis means. 

If you require help registering, please email 

This session will be recorded and released on our website if you cannot attend 

Please Note 

We must remember to be respectful of each other. If anyone is deemed to be abusive by either words or actions, they will be asked to leave and may not be welcomed back depending on the nature of their actions. Please leave your camera and microphone off during the webinar. You may write your questions in the chat box, however, we will try to address as many at the end of the session or via email after the webinar has ended.

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Charity Reg No: 288141. Reg. No. 01710300.