Polygon School, Southampton

Secondary school for boys with Special Educational Needs, aged 11-16


The Polygon School provides education for 55 pupils aged 11-16. Class sizes are small and typically range from between two and eight pupils. All pupils have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan. All pupils have social, emotional and mental health difficulties. Some pupils have neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism.

The school aims to ‘provide an environment where children will feel happy, supported and empowered to make good life choices and where everyone feels a sense of belonging to the school community’.

The school is located on two sites. There is a main school and an engagement centre called Morris House, for pupils with severe, complex or persistent disorders. The main school has specialist classrooms for art, cookery, science and design technology. Pupils at Morris House make use of the main school’s specialist facilities.

The school provides a range of therapies, including counselling, play therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and complementary therapies.

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