Baycroft School, Fareham

Special secondary school for children with Special Educational Needs, aged 11-16


Baycroft School is a day community special school for around 180 secondary-aged students who experience learning difficulties, physical, sensory and language challenges, and autism. An enthusiastic, experienced and skilful team of staff work with parents, carers and others to ensure that all aspects of the education and opportunities we offer meet the individual needs of our students.

Governors and staff believe that students should enjoy and achieve to their highest potential in their learning, as well as being offered a broad and balanced curriculum; spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is reflected at the heart of the school’s work. The curriculum is focused on the qualities and attributes, which the whole community has agreed are key to lifelong success and happiness; creativity, curiosity, independence, resilience and self-regulation. They have chosen to prioritise the STEAM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics to reflect our local context, destination industries and the unknown but exciting future world we are preparing children for. Through these subjects, they develop skills of observation, questioning, problem solving, abstract thinking and above all curiosity about the world around them.

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