WASSP (Waterside Autistic Spectrum Support for Parents/Carers)

Free service support group at Cornerstone United Reformed Church in Hythe/Waterside


We are a group for parents/carers but we have also had grandparents and other relatives come to some sessions too. Our members' children vary in age from 4 - 22 years so we are quite diverse group. We run every Thursday morning during term time between 10 - 12 at Cornerstone United Reformed Church.

We have speakers/activities on various subjects about once a month. Previous speakers have included Occupational Therapists, Music Therapists, Police, Healthwatch Hampshire, Local activity Providers and workshops on Sensory Therapy, Managing Challenging Behaviour etc. We also have fun mornings including group cooking sessions, BBQ and crafts.

We also arrange some family activities in holidays including Zoo trips, Pantomime and a Christmas Party and each week have a 'what's on' board advertising local activities/services that may be of interest to our members.

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