National Autistic Society - Isle of Wight Branch

Providing support, information and guidance for adults/children and their families


The Isle of Wight branch aims to give parents and carers information, advice and the opportunity to meet with others who are experiencing the same challenges that go hand in hand with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Some of the services they offer include support groups in Cowes, Ryde and West Wight & South Wight, Saturday Lego Club, Trampoline Club, Across The Board Surf School (summer only), Coffee Mornings at the Quay Arts Centre, online support through Facebook, monthly autism-friendly cinema screenings and various other events and fundraisers throughout the year (please see our Calendar section)

They also provide information on ASD and on NAS services and are constantly campaigning to raise autism awareness across the Island.

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Charity Reg. No. 288141. Company Reg. No. 01710300.